Order Flyers 2

General Takaful & Company Coverage

Page 1:

flyers front - sample

Page 2:

flyers back - sample

Order Flyers:
Size: A5
Paper: Gloss Art
Thickness: 100gsm

Price: RM60/1,000pcs

Collect Flyers at CTFG Office or
Home Delivery: + RM18
(1,000pcs ~ 3.15 kg)

Order Collection Due Date: 07 May 2023

Bank-in RM60 / RM78 to :

Name: Mohd Syaihan Bin Sirotin
CIMB: 7024091912
Maybank: 1622 0994 1624
(attach receipt in order form below)

Borang order flyers Takaful Kebakaran
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Views: 3

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